Katie Rice is the spectacular doula and chef behind Uzima Birth Services!
How do you practice self care?
SLEEP! I never feel guilty going to bed early or sleeping in whenever I can. I also love a warm bath or a looooong shower with all the soaps and scrubs I can get my hands on. Lastly, a nice smelling candle makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
If you could only pick one, what would your theme song be?
Tell us a guilty or not so guilty pleasure.
I get a ton of pleasure just sitting around watching tv and eating junk food, specifically salt & vinegar chips...or a huge pile of wings. Whether it's guilty or not depends on how long I've been sitting there!
What’s one totally true thing about you from your zodiac sign?
I am analytical to the nth degree. I'm always trying to find the best way to do something...which leads to my very Virgo weakness of being too critical of myself and others. I'm working on it though!
What would be your super power?
Hmm…elemental control. I feel like anything would be possible if you've got a good imagination! Plus, I've been a bit obsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender since it came to Netflix...
What’s your favorite local restaurant, and why?
My absolute favorite restaurant is Sol's on the Square. I always order the same thing- Galbi gui (marinated and grilled beef short ribs) which comes with rice, kimchi, and some other banchan/side dishes. I'll usually treat myself to a little can of pear juice too. So good!
It reminds me of the anniversary/pre-baby trip my husband and I took to South Korea a couple years ago.
Thanks Katie!